Friday, August 28, 2015

How to develop healthy and loving relationship between sibling

parenting is gift of god.being a parent second time definitely a moment of pride again but on practical aspect it increases all responsibilities caring of elder one with the presence of new born,make responsibility doubled.apart from all other responsibilities making a healthy and loving bond between two is a must responsibility of parents.because sibling relationship is one of the most loving relationship in the world.

 When my second daughter was born,my elder daughter was only 2.9 year old and like all other moms i was  under tension that how will i manage them for releasing that pressure i have started "mental preparation"for me and my elder daughter.from the pregnancy time,mostly i try to imagine that how will i do this thing for two kids?or how will i react if both of them cry together?apart from that i talk with my elder daughter that a new baby is coming at our home(who is coming here to play with you,enjoy with you).by this way we both were mentally prepare for acceptance of new i think for making a strong relationship between sibling them and for managing them properly mental preparation from the time of pregnancy should .istartedt is the first step for making a loving bond between two of them.          


The most common problem in handling two kids is "negative reaction and non acceptance of older kid"he may become jealous because of lack of attention,he may become irritate because of sharing of space and all other for avoiding this his involvement is first and most important step and it may be done by doing simple thing.for ex.while changing nappies instead of being irritate on elder one,try to involve him in that activity.or at the time of bath routine of new baby take small help with elder one,teach him about this new thing and along with give him all instructions that new born are so sensitive touch them with this way instead of jealously he will enjoy company of new member in family.and if this step is crossed and passed peacefully than path of parenting to two kids will become easier
As the kids grow"sharing and caring"make a home rule.teach them from very starting point that they have to share and care for each the moment of happiness and sadness(sickness,minor hurt) they have to be practicing this they will create a strong bond with each other from early childhood and it will remain life long.

No compare.this is also a most common issue between siblings, most of us do that unconsciously this  thing create rivalry between never compare between them.for encouragement you can make a weekly chart for different thing like good behaviour,academic record,good eating habits,and reward them for their good to elder one to praise little one on each small effort in anything like painting,drawing,by this way little one also adopt the same thing in his behaviour.

   Minor fights and hitting are normal,and try they resolve it on their own.but try to make a no hitting rule at home for healthy atmosphere.

Try to spend more and more family time together with joy and happiness,it will increases family values and make a strong relationship between sibling,so try to apply this simple tool and enjoy happy sibling ,happy family.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to develop reading habit in kids

        As we all know"Reading is a skill not a god gift" and it can be developed by practice,but it is not easy and quiet a big challenge in the path of a mom of two lovely daughter i have observed that kids are prone at falling in to bad habits very easily like prolonged t.v.watching and playing video game but for formation of good habits hard work,patience and regularity is must.but once a good habit is formed that will last a lifetime.

                                                                                  I think the most difficult task in the path of developing any good habit is"make it interesting and raise a curiosity for it in kids" because kids love only those thing that they find is very difficult that tell them"go and read that book" most of the kids will refuse them,because they do not have any idea or curiosity about it,so first thing is to raise a interest.for ex.if i have a book based on animal and bird for my kids and i want that they read it then what i do with my kids i start a small activity based on animal like one will mimic a voice of animal and other will guess it.or choose your favorite animal and say five sentence about it,once kids start involving in it,slowly i open book first i show the pictures and then read loudly and with expressions and also tell them some other interesting fact about that subject.                                                                                                        
Drama and role play before reading also work very well,for ex.if i have a book based on sea animal i start a play like that we are going in a sea  by ship,we are watching different sea animals,once kids are in mood of imagination open the book and read all interesting fact about ocean life and sea doubt its little hard but it is only a starting point and need to do with small kids,once they grow up they will do it by their own.                                                                                                                     
Fixed a time and daily routine for reading.sleeping time is ideal time and story telling is interesting way for teaching reading habit.
Books with nice picture is ideal for all age group of kids,pictures create interest in kids and they will want to know more about them.
Make frequent visit to may feel it is boring but you need to try repeatedly to raise interest in books of different subject.
Adjust few shelves of books in different room.when you are busy and kids are getting boar ed at least they will turn few pages of book and this will be their first step towards reading habit.

 Instead of reading focus on"learning"make a rule that they should learn a new thing about any subject daily.fix a theme for a week like animals,our country,sports etc and for learning reading is must,when they will understand this thing they will enjoy reading.
If you have two kids,tell older one to teach younger one by this way also they will enjoy reading.  
Last and most important"Be a role model".role modelling is an excellent way for teaching good try to apply this simple tools and enjoy "keep reading and keep learning with kids".                                                                                                                                             

Saturday, August 22, 2015


             As a kid I was a very obstinate child,i used to get angry about my dresses,my food,and on lots of small thing,but i never seen my mom to loss her cool or become angry on me and now as a mom of two kids when, I faced that kind of issues I become very restless and I m very sure that"OBSTINATE CHILD" is most common problem of  most of parents.  
                                               Kids are so obstinate ,so demanding,picky eaters and do not listen to parents,and this kind of issues make parenting a much more difficult job.
                                     When I have talked to my mom she told me some secrets of parenting,they are called "SMART PARENTING" in modern term. and if u are irritated from your child'obstinate behaviour try to focus on following points.                                                                                   
  1. As a human we all have emotions like happy,sad,proud,angry so up to a limit all emotions are allowed and they are healthy for our emotional health.                                                              
  2. "OBSERVATION BEFORE REACTION"is must.most of us parent react on kids bed behavior before observing,so please try to"OBSERVE"in deapth,why he is reacting like that.                
  3. In very small kids,who cannot express their problem,in most of the cases,WHEN THEY DO NOT FEEL GOOD,WHEN THEY GET BOARED,WHEN THEY DID NOT GET WHAT THEY WANT, they star showing bed behaviour in the form of obstinacy and anger.             
  4. For small kids solution is TRY TO CHANGE THEIR MOOD by involving them in different activities,instead of reacting on their behaviour.                                                                            
  5. In older kids"TALKING AND COMMUNICATION"is main to them why they are behaving like that.reason may be physical,mental,emotional or some other like any school issues bothering them so again before reacting. observation then reaction is key.
  6. Make a positive statement for communication.M "Lets go to bathroom and get ready for school" -------------no,I will not ,"Lets go to bed for sleep"-------------------no i will not."Lets do the homework"---------no i will not.I think this kind of replies are common from most of the instead of this try to make a connection with kids and talk in positive manner. for ex.If Kids are watching t.v. and u want to make them sleep then FIRST MAKE A CONNECTION what are u watching,look i have a new book for u,come with me i will tell u a new story,then they will suddenly get distracted from t.v.and will get ready to go to bed.       
  7. If u want to make a cleanup  instead of forcing them say"AS SOON AS U WILL DO CLEANUP I WILL TAKE U TO PARK",in short positive statements,rewarding policies work very well with kids.if they do good job,praise them,reward them.                                              
  8. Physical activities are must for all are group of kids,if their energy do not utilize in positive direction they will use it in negative direction.                                                                           
  9. Hitting,beating is strict no,because it will not solve any issue .only create a negative impact and wrong learning from parent.                                                                                                         
  10. TIME OUT means leave the child alone when he misbehave for sometime when u r also in bed mood may allow,but do not left child alone for long time,it will cause a sense of loneliness in them.hug them and talk them.                                                                                                  
  11. Be A ROLE MODEL is must because Ur reaction and Ur response is learning key for kids.      so BE PATIENT and apply this small tool,hope they will make path of parenting a little easier.                                     ",                                                                                                               

Thursday, August 6, 2015

How to develop healthy eating habits in kids

"Mom I will eat pizza in dinner"Mom I do not like vegetables. "We love chips,cookies and cold drinks".
  These are some common scene in most of the families, and as a mom of two lovely daughters I used to face that kind of issues in day to day life.
                                                                                               Before 6 year,When my first daughter born,as a conscious mom I have focused so much on healthy diet.boiled food,fruits and vegetables,things were good,but not working.she does not want to eat and show tantrum all the time.slowly I have realised that "feeding babies and kids is not an easy task".     Then I have talked to some other mom,they were facing the same problem that"kids do not eat well".If they will not eat well,It will affect their health also.

 so after a lots of hard work,I have found some secrets about How to feed well to kids? and they are working very well.                                                                

  1. First and most important thing regarding food habit is "Fix their daily routine of breakfast,lunch,snack and dinner at same fixing time biological cycle of digestion work very doing this they will be hungry at same time It will become easier to feed hungry  and demanding kids .                                                                                                                     
  2. Second most important thing is "CHANGE" kids love changes,they want some thing new every we need to do a little hard work for them.healthy,attractive recepies work very well.
  3. One caution,"CHANGE"should be according to kids choice,because sudden change with very new ingredient will not work.                                                                                                     
  4. "LOOK AND PRESENTATION " of dish is very necessary.even a healthy and boaring dish may look very pleasing with effective garnishing.different colours and shapes of fruits and vegetables can be used.
  5. DO NOT BE TOO RIGID AND STRICT on healthy diet only.because too much restriction increases more "TEMPTATION".
  6. "TRY TO BE A ROLE MODEL"because kids follow their elders in most of their habits.
  7. "BE A SMART SHOPPER"try to buy snacks with good nutritional values,discuss it with kids.
  8. Last thing "DO NOT GIVE TOO MUCH BETWEEN MEALS".keep them hungry at least 2 hour before main meal.chips,cookies biscuits are main source of indigestion and disturbing appetite.
  9. Any kind of PHYSICAL ACTIVITY is must for all age group of lets try this simple tools with kids and make them healthy because"HEALTHY KIDS ARE HAPPY KIDS".                                                                                                                      

Positive Parenting: Golden rule of positive parenting

Positive Parenting: Golden rule of positive parenting: Although parenting is precious gift of god,but on the other hand it is toughest job in the world.most of us find it difficult very often.T...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Golden rule of positive parenting

Although parenting is precious gift of god,but on the other hand it is toughest job in the world.most of us find it difficult very often.There are different ways of parenting like strict parenting that raises angry kids,who lose interest in pleasing their parent.Another way is permissive parenting that raises unhappy kids who test their parents.both are not very acceptable way of parenting.
                             Nowadays,the latest trend in parenting is"Positive parenting"that means positive discipline,gentle and loving guidence that keeps child on the right path.

 Here are some golden rules for "positive parenting".

  Love and unconditional love is first and most important thing .baby is born with a need of love.A warm hug and a nice kiss give a lots of satisfaction to kids.

 Time and attention-these are 2nd most important thing for have a lifetime to work but kids are young only once.try to give proper attention to kids and also spend some quality time with them for making a loving bond with them.

Communication-It is another important aspect of positive parenting,How was their day? How they feel?What are their difficulties?by knowing all these things you can make a proper equation with them. 

Be patient-From infancy to teen age kids have different issues and problems.sometime because of generation gap and lake of time it becomes very difficult to understand their requirment.So be patient and talkative it is the most necessary thing for handling kids.

Being board  ais most comman problem with most of the parent.we love them,we care for them but we feel board with them.there is a key that change"Being board in to Being involved".teaching good things that you know,share your childhood memories,read a book together,going outside together for play or walk are some simple tool that works very well with all age group of children.

 Teaching  discipline is yet another important aspect of positive parenting.most of parent find it very difficult,the golden rule for teaching discipline is"children learn from what you are rather than what you teach,so in whatever aspect like daily routine,good habits be a"Role model"for kids,firstly it may not work but slowly it will work in very good manner .second thing step by step guidence is grand key for teaching discipline.

 Balance- balance in love,care and discipline. usually in most of the families one thing over powered another,resulting in imbalance of family atmosphere and try to manage balance.

So these are the golden rules of positive parenting ,apply them and enjoy "Happy kids"and "Happy family".                                                                                                                                    s