Wednesday, April 26, 2017

#HalfGirlfriend- "A Difficult Journey to Beautiful Destination"

Relationships are the true blessing of god. Of course, good relationships do not just happen. They take time, trust, care and patience of two people. And we all want to get that greatest gift of god as a loving relationship in our life. It is true that we all had a hidden desire to get that special person in our life that is right for us.

It has been said that best relationship are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship, but sometimes it is difficult to name a relationship. Because give a name to a relationship limits the ways in which you can admire or love someone. In fact, sometimes it is a complex state of emotions and relations. Is it friendship, girlfriend/boyfriend or “Half girlfriend or half boyfriend”?

Yes! It may sound strange, and it is not an identified noun in dictionary, but latest upcoming movie from Balaji production “Half girlfriend” (based on the novel of famous author Chetan bhagat) has suddenly rememorized me a tale of two besties, who were in the same state as the movie’s lead character Ria and Madhav.

 It is a surprising emotional element of life that makes us confused about the naming of a relationship. It is not just the friendship, it is more than friendship. It is not love; it is less than the love. Confused? Me too. Would love to share a true story of two best friends, and they will help us to explore the true meaning of this new relationship, just like ria and  Madhav had done in movie “Half girlfriend”.

The whole story began years ago when Sia and Sagar were the kids, they were the best childhood friend. Their friendship was unique in many ways. And the one thing, that makes it most especial was the “Love for music”. They used to sing together, dance together… for Sagar, it was just for fun, but for Sia, it was “Passion”. She has an only dream of becoming a world-class singer since early childhood. She often says to Sagar, “I will be the greatest rock-star one day”, and you will be in the line to take my autograph.

The days turned into weeks, and weeks turned to couple of months and then years. Now they were the grown-up. Their friendship has bloomed beautifully in these past years. For Sagar, it is always about Sia, her liking, her desires.  Her ambitions were the most important thing in his life. He always wants to see Sia happy. In fact, he can do anything to fulfil the smallest wish of Sia. But for Sia, it is always more about the music. Yes! She also liked him a lot…but it was not love. Actually speaking, it wasn’t even just a like. She has no idea what she felt about him.

One day, Sagar has expressed his love to Sia with a proposal of marriage. Sia was shockingly surprised with his proposal. Yes! She liked a friend, no not just a friend…he was more than a friend. She loves him. No less than a feeling of love. It was a state when she could him a “half boyfriend”, a state when it is difficult to define the true naming and true meaning of a relationship, (the same thing that happened in the movie half girlfriend). She has not replied to Sagar. She wants more time to think about their relationship. For her, still her “love for music” was the first priority.

Very soon, she has gotten a golden opportunity and she has got the much-awaited admission in World Music Institute New York. It was like dream come true for her, and without taking much time, she moved from India to America. She wants to complete her childhood dream, but still, Sagar, his friendship, his proposal was the biggest thing, that she was missing in her journey.

As usual, Sagar was the happiest person to hear this grand news. He has supported Sia’s decision as a friend; he wants all deserving success and happiness for Sia, but yes! He has a pain deep inside the heart. He still waiting for the day, when their relationship reaches a state from “Half boyfriend” to boyfriend.

Days passed with flying speed, Sia has completed her music education and very soon she has gotten some great opportunity as an upcoming singer. She was enjoying her success; it was the absolute pleasure for her to live her childhood dream to fullest. People has started recognised her as a “rock star”…everything was great, but still, she was missing something. It was a sense of incompleteness that was paining inside her heart. Initially, she wouldn’t be able to felt the exact essence of that emotion, but very soon she has realised it is a perfect time to complete a relationship, it is the time to express her love, care and emotion to her childhood buddy, it is the time to give a more correct name to her relationship. It is the time to make a “half boyfriend” to……now; she wants to share this perfect name with the perfect person only.

So it was a beautiful story that truly sums up the sentiment of “Dost se Jayda, girlfriend/boyfriend se kam”. Of course, a relationship gets complete when both people involved are committed to each other, but a story of a half relationship is unique in many ways. It is always interesting to see that journey when a half relationship reaches to its perfect destination.
So, if you want to feel the same adventure as we had in the story of Sia and Sagar must watch “Half girlfriend”. It will be an amazing experience to see a story of a unique relationship, a story of never give up.

I am sharing a half relationship story at blogadda   in association with #HalfGirlfriend

An Easy Target- A true story

घर का सारा काम ख्तम करके राधा सौफे पर लेटी ही थी और अख़बार हाथ मे लेते ही झपकी लग गयी! आधी नींद मे कई विचार राधा के मन मे उमड़ रहे थे, "अब बच्चे बड़े हो चले थे...पातिदेव उनके काम मे व्यस्त रहते थे...घर की ज़वाबदारिया तो ज्यो की त्यो है..पर अब उमर ढल चली है..अब थकान लगने लगी है इन ज़वाब्दारियो को निभाते निभाते.." और अचानक डोर बेल की आवाज़ से राधा वर्तमान मे पहुची, इस समय कौन होगा?

दरवाज़ा खोलते ही पातिदेव को असमय देख कर थोडा चोक गयी थी वो. "कितनी देर की दरवाज़ा खोलने मे, कब से इंतज़ार कर रहा हूँ", "सोरी, थोडा नींद लग गयी थी", राधा ने घबराकर कहा! "मेरी ब्लू फाइल कहा रखी है?" राजेश ने कुछ गुस्से से पूछा! "आपके ड्रॉवर मे ही रखी थी", इतना कहते ही राधा कुछ डर सहम कर फाइल खोजने मे जूट गयी! यह पहली बार नही था, जब राधा का आधा से ज़्यादा दिन चीज़ो को खोजने मे निकल जाता था

और अफ़सोस की वज़ह तो ये थी की वो खुद तो सारी चीज़े जगह पर रखती थी, पर पातिदेव अकस्र्र चीज़ो को इधर उधर रख कर भूल जाते थे, और फिर सारा दोष राधा पर मढ़ देते थे, "कुछ अकल नही है, कोई काम ठीक से नही करती हो.." ये सुनते सुनते अब राधा को उब सी होने लगी थी! लगा पलट कर कह दे, की आपको ही ख्याल नही रहता है", फिर सोचा अभी ऑफीस से आए है, इस तरह बोल कर मूड खराब करना ठीक नही है! और सालो पुरानी आदत जो थी, पति और बच्चो की हर अनकही बातो को कुछ ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा समझने की! आख़िर फाइल मिल ही गयी, राजेश जी बेड के नीचे रख कर भूल गये थे!

राधा ने कुछ राहत की साँस ली ही थी, की अचानक फोन पर राजेश जी और उनके दोस्त कमलेश की बात सुन कर स्तबध रह गयी, "अरे! यार आज ऑफीस मे बास ने बहुत परेशन किया, बहुत टेन्षन था, आज" सुनकर राधा को फिर से एक बार समझ गया की, टेन्षन तो ऑफीस की थी, इसलिए मुझे इतना भला बुरा कह रहे थे!

कई सालो से राजेश जी अपने काम की कोई भी tension ya frustation इसी तरह राधा पर निकलते आ रहे थे, पहले राधा को इतना बुरा नही लगता था, पर आज कल लगता है, "इतनी पढ़ी लिखी होने के बावज़ूद अपनी ज़िंदगी के इतने साल घर और ब्च्चो की देखभाल मे निकल दिए, यदि दो शबद तारीफ नही कर सकते तो कम से कम दूसरी बातो का घुस्सा तो मुझ पर निकालना बंद करो",

यही सोचते सोचते शाम के खाने की तैयारी मे राधा लग गयी, "क्या बनाउ, सबको क्या पसंद आएगा,..." सोच ही रही थी की रवि स्कूल से आ गया, आते ही बोला, "क्या मम्मी, कैसा संडविच बनाया था, कोई टेस्ट नही..आज कल आपके हाथ का खाना बिल्कुल अच्छा नही लगता है"..राधा कुछ कहती, इसके पहले रवि का दोस्त राज़ आ गया, "अरे यार! आज फुटबॉल मॅच हार गये... बहुत मूड खराब हो गया", इतना सुनते ही राधा समझ गयी, की घुस्सा खाने का नही, मॅच का था, "पर यदि तुमने मॅच हारा है तो इसमे मेरा क्या दोष है..और यदि खाना ठीक से नही बन रहा है, तो ठीक से बताओ ये कौन सा तरीका है, अपनी माँ से बात करने का",

कुछ परेशान सी राधा अपने आप से बात कर ही रही थी, की अवनी ने आकर भी अपनी fruststion माँ पर निकली,असली वज़ह तो फ्रेंड से हुई लड़ाई थी, पर सारा भला बुरा माँ को कह रही थी! राधा पहले अपने पति और बच्चो की इस तरह ही बातो को टाल देती थी, पर अब जब खुद की उमर ढल चली है, और बच्चे भी बड़े हो गये थे, तो इस तरह का व्यवहार उसे अंदर तक चुभ जाता था..लार रहा था, उससे ही कुछ ग़लती हो गयी, जो उसने कुछ सीमाए नही बनाई, आज अपनी सालो की मेहनत का इस तरह का रिवॉर्ड उस के मन को अंदर तक दुखी कर गया था"!

यूँ तो ये कहानी काल्पनिक है, पर कई सारी वास्तविक घटनाओ से प्रेरित होकर लिखी गयी है, हमारे आधुनिक भारतीय समाज़ मे, आज भी पुरुष अपना सारा तनाव अपनी पत्नी पर निकालना मर्दानगी समझ te है, और खास कर यदि पत्नी घरेलू है, तो उसे हर वकत इस बात का अहसास कराया जाता है, वो किसी लायक नही है..और वो खुद पैसा कमाकर सबसे बड़ा काम ही नही बल्कि उपकर कर रहे है"...और सिर्फ़ पातिदेव ही नही, बच्चे भी अपनी घरेलू माँ को सिर्फ़ रुटीन काम करने वाली मशीन सम्झ कर समय समय पर अनादर करना नही भूलते है!

मेरा इस तरह ही मानसिकता रखने वाले लोगो से बस एक ही प्रशन है, "जो इंसान आपकी ज़रूरतो, आपकी health का अच्छे से ध्यान रखने के लिए अपनी सारी खुशियाँ दाँव पर लगा देता है, जिसकी ज़िंदगी का बस एक ही लक्ष्य होता है ही उसका परिवार खुश रहे...आप उसी इंसान को सब से easy target समजते हो अपनी सारी frustation निकाल ने का, एक पल के लिए भी ये नही सोचते की kya महसूस होता होगा, इस तरह का रिवॉर्ड पाकर, आपकी माँ को या पत्नी को"

वही शीशे के दूसरी तरफ मेरा एक सुझाव भी है, सभी त्यागशिल महिलाओ को,

"कहते है, माँगने से इज़्ज़्त नही मिलती, वो earn करनी पड़ती है", इसलिए भले ही आप stay at home mom हो, अपनी boundries बना कर रखिए, यदि आपके पति या बच्चे अकारण ही बात बिना बात आप पर गुस्सा करते है या आपको much deserving respect नही देते है, तो अपनी आवाज़ उँची करने मे हिचकिचाए नही, उन्हे बताए की यदि वो घर पर है, तो ये उनकी मज़बूरी नही, बल्कि अपने परिवार के लिए प्यार और care है, अपने विचार, अपनी इच्छाए खुल कर express करे, किसी को कोई हक नही है, आपके स्‍वाभिमंन को ठेस पहुचने का, और घुटन से तो अच्छा है, दो श्बद कह कर अपना बोझ हल्का कर लेना! .

Friday, April 21, 2017

Birthday Resolution: I Am Getting Ready to "Second Inning"...Are you?

By the end of this week, I am turning 36. It is an age that I have never been particularly concerned before, but when it was pointed out me that 36 is much nearer to 40...I have gotten a different set of emotions instantly.  The emotions are not only related to the thing that I am getting older just as an individual but as a mom too. It is true that now I am an experienced, mature mom who had two absolutely adorable kids and wonderful memories of 8 years of motherhood journey.

It is a journey that makes me cry, that makes me laugh and gives me an immense sense of satisfaction and joy. Like all other moms, I also love my children most divinely and after passing the first crucial, difficult and most beautiful years of my motherhood journey I feel myself blessed. It is the best thing in the world that could ever happen to me. And now, time is changing, my kids are growing up.

Yes! I am very excited to see them grow up. They never cease to amaze me. My one doll is almost 8 and second is almost 6. It is amazing to see them being independent. Now, they can eat by themselves…they do their routine chores…they don’t need me like before. Now, they are too big for me to carry. With my younger one, I am just enjoying the last fleeting moments of being a young child. It seems like the time is slipping through my fingers. Of course, it makes me feel nostalgic and somewhat sad, but on another side, I am equally excited about this “New inning” of life.

Eight years ago, with the birth of my first baby, the mother inside me was also born and I began to step forward into everything that I had envisioned as a mother. I still remember the first time when I had hold her in my arm…I feel like the deepest part of my soul have been uncovered and light has shone on them for the first time. The joy and amazement when she has said her first word as a “Mumma”, is so hard to even put into words. Then we had been through a lot of milestones, rolling over, sitting up, eating solid foods, crawling, walking, talking…I had enjoyed the each sweet tiny moment of her infancy with the same joy and satisfaction. 

After few years, with the birth of my second daughter, we get a sense of completing our family. It was a moment to cherish that my little doll is now a big sister. I could have no great joy than to see that my two kids playing together; growing together…celebrating the pure spirit of sibling relationship was the greatest gift of god for me. There were the moments of love, joy and togetherness that even I cannot describe in words.

While on another side, it has not always been an easy road, the sleepless nights, the tantrums, the feeling pulled in many different directions with no end in sight, definitely felt overwhelmed and pressurizing. It was the stage of life when I was dealing with the mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. In this stage of life, I was dealing with teething, ear infections, stomach virus. It was the stage of life when I had guilt over staying at home with kids and not having a career. It was the time when multiple responsibilities had broken me many times. 

 It was the time when I had never got enough time for me. It was the most difficult situation to handle when my both kids (one is 3 and second is 1) need me at the same time. Their simultaneous cry, their constant demand was the enough to make me feel helpless. It was the stage of life when I felt that parenting is really hard. It is messy. It is exhausting. But with the grace of god we as a family had crossed all the toughest moment. And now, when I rememorizing all these moments on a special day, it gives me intense powerful mixed of emotions that I had felt during these 8 years of journey.

Oh! I think I had written so much about my motherhood the way back to the current day, turning 36 with being a mom of two lovely kids is the biggest achievement for me. And as we get older we all tend to get some common emotions such as:
Now time has gone, we have no ambition; we have no dream, no goals. If I got some opportunity years ago, then I would be a big, successful person. Now, I had only some remaining responsibilities to complete. That’s it. But I think keeping that kind of attitude does not work at all. It just brings a negativity and pessimism in life. Being older usually makes people depress. But I think it is a blessing of god. And the birthday is an ideal time to re-analyse the things in our life. What we had? And what can we do to improve it, is a great place to start? It is a natural time to thinking about self-reflection.

This birthday, I had some great resolution for myself, which I would love to share with you all. Hoping it may inspire others.

Life style focus
As I had already explained, like all other moms I also had a tough time during this 8 years (of course along with beautiful) and the most important thing that I had missed during these years is the desired life style that I wished to have myself. I had missed my food, I had missed walking routine, I had missed my sleep, I had never gotten enough time for myself and now, when I had a chance and time the first and most important thing that I will work this year is “Improving life style” with healthy diet and regular exercise. Since 5 years, I wished to learn “Yoga”, but because of the same time issue, I would be never able to complete this. But now I believed I will get enough time and I will learn it.
I had a request to all moms please,

It is hard to take time for you, but whenever it is possible to do it. Focus on your diet and exercise is the key that not only improves your health but by doing this, you are creating a healthy atmosphere for your family as well”

Reinvent my fashion and dressing dress
If you will ask me anything related to kids’ stuff, regarding their accessories, clothing, toys, I would be able to give you a perfect answer within a minute. But when it comes to women fashion or dressing trends, I cannot answer. And of course, I had no regrets for same. I had an immense pleasure while exploring all kid’s stuff during these years. But yes! It is also true that sometimes I missed my college days. I missed those perfect outfits, but no problem. I still could be a “Yummy mummy”. Yes! Now I want to reinvent my dressing and fashion sense. I want to appear as a confident mommy in front of my kids.

We always get stuck between various family responsibilities and never get enough time to put attention on ourselves, but it is the most important thing that increases our confidence and positive attitude. So why not reinvent your fashion style?”

Live your dream, have goals and career ambition
It is the third important resolution that I had on my list. I had quit my job when I was first time pregnant. I had restarted my clinic when the second daughter had born and again closed it to just take care of her. I want to spend and enjoy each sweet tiny moment of their childhood. I want to give an exclusive mother love and care. And I had done that too, but during these years I was out of the track to my career. Again no regrets…but still, have a desire to do something and to achieve something. And for that purpose, I had restarted my journey as a blogger and with the help of my writing, I had regained my confidence. Now, I had some bright future plans such as writing a book, relaunching my clinic etc. indeed, it is not easy but I had a plan and it gives me a sense of happiness.

So moms,
“It’s never too late to live your dreams. Most of the time we had a thought that “now, it is not possible”. But it is possible, just take the first step, have dreams and plans. It is vital to feeling self-contented.”

I want to be a better mom
While reading this, some of you may have thought that I am a selfish person. I am planning just for myself, not for family. But it is not true; I am doing all these stuff not only for me but for keeping my family happy as well. During these years I had learnt one thing that if I feel self-satisfied and self-contented that I would be able to complete my responsibilities as a mom, as a wife more easily. And when I feel depressed, I yelled a lot. I did not find mommy stuffs enough interesting. So moms,

“There is nothing wrong in think about you. If you are a happy and satisfied person, then you could be a happy and serving mom.”

So these are my birth day resolutions for this year. Hoping I would be able to achieve them during this year. Did you have any plans that are just for yourself? Did you feel the way that I do?
 Please share!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

...Aur Wo Is Duniya Ko Alvida Kah Gayi

आज पायल कुछ ज़्यादा ही खुश लग रही थी, और हो भी क्यो ना आज उसकी ज़िंदगी का सबसे बड़ा दिन था, आज उसकी ज़िंदगी की नयी शुरुआत होने वाली थी! गुलाबी जोड़ा पहने और दुल्हन बनी पायल किसी अप्सरा से कम नही लग रही थी! उसकी खुशी और घबराहट की विचार श्रखला को मामी की आवाज़ ने तोड़ा. "जल्दी कर पायल बारात गयी है! "आई मामी...और मामी को देखते ही पायल की रुलाई फुट पड़ी! आज मा- बाबूजी की बहुत याद रही थी! पूरे २० बरस हो गये उनको गये को, आज मम्मी होती तो ये कहती, आज पापा होते तो ये समझाएश देते! यू तो मामा-मामी भी अपने ही है, पर....

और इतना सोचते ही पुरानी यादे पायल के मन- मसतिष्क मे कौंध गयी! एक विमान दुर्घटना मे मम्मी- पापा की अकाल मौत के बाद मामा-मामी का ही साया था, पायल के सिर पर! यूँ तो मामा-मामी दोनो ही पायल का ख़याल रखते थे, पर मामी समय-समय पर पराएपन का अहसास करने से नही चूकती और इतना सोचते ही पुरानी यादे पायल के मन- मसतिष्क मे कौंध गयी!

"तुझे नये कपड़े लेने की कोई ज़रूरत नही है, रीता के पुराने कपड़े पहन लेना" या "हम सब बाहर जा रहे है, तू घर का सब काम करके रखना" जैसी कई छोटी-बड़ी बातो को सुनकर पायल का बचपन बिता था, पर उसने कभी इन बात को दिल पर नही लिया, हमेशा यही सोच रखी, की ये मेरे बड़े है, मेरे भले के लिए ही कह रह रहे है! और कई समझोते करते करते ज़िंदगी के सबसे अहम फेसले का दिन भी आ ही गया! 

मामी की बेटी रीता की शादी के साथ ही मामी ने ये एलान कर दिया था की भले ही तू अभी १८ बरस की है, पर मे और तेरे मामा अपनी ज़वाबदारियो से मुक्त होना चाहते है, तेरे लिए मेरे रिश्ते मे ही एक लड़का भी देख लिया है! बस तू हाँ कर दे, तो हम खुश हो जाए!
मामी का हुकुम सर आँखो पर, "हाँ मामी आप जैसा कहोगे, मे वैसा ही करूँगी! पायल ने हामी भरते हुए सोचा, मेरे बड़े है, मेरा भला ही सोचेगे, और जलद ही अपने होने वाले पति और ससुराल को ठीक से जाने बिना उसने शादी के लिए हाँ कह दी! दिन निकलते गये...और देखते ही देखते शादी का शुभ दिन भी आ ही गया!

"क्या सोच रही है पायल...." रीता दीदी की आवाज़ सुन कर पायल वर्तमान मे आ पहुची, "कुछ नही दीदी, बस कुछ पुरानी बाते याद आ गयी थी", "ज़ल्दी कर, विवाह का शुभ मुहूर्त आ गया है"! दीदी के कहते ही पायल मंडप मे जा पहुँची!

ज़लद ही सारी रस्मो को पूरा कर..घबराहट और हज़ारो सपने सजोए पायल अपने ससुराल आ गयी! बिदाई के समय मामी के कहे शब्द "हमने अपनी तरफ से पूरी कोशिश की है, फिर भी कोई परेशानी हो तो सहन करना, ससुराल मे तो ऐसा होता ही है, हमे परेशन मत करना" पायल के कानो मे गूँज रहे थे, मम्मी-पापा की याद मे रोना रुक ही नही रहा था, लग रहा था सारी दुनिया मे अकेली हो गयी है...पर कुछ देर मे ही विवेक की आवाज़ सुन कर लगा..नही अब तो मुझे मेरे ज़ीवन साथी मिल गये है,वो मेरा हर सुख-दुख मे साथ देंगे,अब मे कभी ;अकेलापन महसूस नही करूँगी, पर शायद विधि के विधान को कोई नही समझ सकता! "पायल. मुझे ज़रूरी काम से बाहर जाना है, तुम आराम करो" विवाह की पहली रात ही विवेक का इस तरह से बाहर जाना पायल को अच्छा तो नही लगा था, फिर सोचा कुछ ज़रूरी काम होगा!

अगली सुबह से ही सासू जी का व्यवहार भी उखड़ा-उखड़ा लगा! " हमे तो कई जगह से अच्छे-अच्छे रिश्ते मिल रहे थे, पर तुम्हारी मामी ने तुमहरे ससुरजी पर जो दबाव बनाया, मे कुछ कह ही नही पाई! और इसके साथ ही पायल को लग शायद वो विवेक और उसकी माताजी को पसंद नही है, फिर भी उसने मन छोटा नही किया, सोचा कुछ दीनो mai अपने अच्छे व्यवहार और काम से वो सबका मन जीत लेगी!

सुबह से शाम तक घर का सारा काम दिल जान लगाकर करती. पर सासू जी का मन कभी खुश नही होता! "ये नही सिखाया तेरी मामी ने..." "कोई काम ठीक से नही करती है" जैसे ताने उसकी आम ज़िंदगी का हिस्सा बन गये थे, मन ही मन बहुत घुटन होती, सोचती विवेक से अपनापन और प्यार मिलेगा तो सारा दर्द ख़तम हो जाएगा पर विवेक की ज़िंदगी मे तो उसकी कोई जगह थी ही नही!
एक दिन विवेक के पर्स से किसी लड़की की फोटो अचानक गिरी..और पायल ने यूँ ही पूछ लिया ....ये कौन है?और विवेक ने कुछ ही देर मे सारे राज़ खोल दिए... ये आरज़ू है, इस शहर के सबसे बड़े बिजनेसमैन की बेटी है" हम दोनो एक दूसरे से बहुत प्यार करते है...बस तुमसे च्छुटकारा चाहिए...परिवारिक दबाव मे आकर तुमसे शादी की...

इतना सुनते ही पायल के पैरो के नीचे की ज़मीन खिसक गयी! लगा अब ज़िंदगी मे कुछ नही बचा..पर अपने अंदर पनपती नन्ही जान के बारे मे सोच कर खामोश हो गयी! राखी आई, सोचा मामा-मामी को अपने दिल का हाल बातयगी, वो कुछ रास्ता दिखाएगे, एक दो बार कोशिश भी की, पर मामी ने सुन कर भी अनसुना कर दिया!

इसी तरह सब कुछ झेलते-झेलते डेलीवेरी का टाइम भी आ ही गया! अपनी चाँद सी बेटी शकल देखेते ही वो सारा दुख भूल गयी, लगा अब ज़िने का सहारा मिल गया है! भले ही दुनिया मेरा साथ न दे, मे अब अपनी बेटी के सहारे जी लूँगी! पर होनी को कुछ और ही मंज़ूर था...लड़की के पैदा होने पर सासू जी का पारा सातवे आसमाँ पर था! पहले की नापसन्ड़गी अब नफ़रत मे बदल गयी थी! दिन रात ताने-उलने...कभी कभी तो मार-पीट! ससुरजी कभी बीच बचाव करने आते भी तो उनको दो-चार बाते सुनाकर चुप करा देती, और विवेक के लिए तो अपनी बेटी और बीवी का होना या ना होना कुछ मायने ही नही रखता था!

ज़िंदगी मे अज़ीब सी घुटन महसूस होती...तरह तरह के विचार आते..लग रहा था अब सहन नही होता..और एक दिन तो हद ही हो गयी..घुस्से मे सासू जी ने गरम चिमटे से हाथ जला दिया! इस बार पायल का द्धेर्य टूट गया..बस अब मुझ से सहन नही होगा! रीति हुई मामा-मामी के पास पहुची...सारी कहानी कह सुनाई और बोली, बस...मामी अब मे ज़ी नही सकुगी..आप ये रिश्ता ख़तम कर दो..पुलिस की मदद लो..कुछ भी करो!

पर मामी को तो अपनी सामाजिक प्रतिष्ठा की ही चिंता थी! "खबरदार जो किसी को कुछ बताया तो....तूने ही कुछ ग़लत किया होगा...और पुलिस का तो नाम भी मत लेना..हमारी सारी इज़्ज़त मिट्टी मे मिल जाएगी! बचपन से तुझे पाला-पोसा, हमारी इज़्ज़त का कुछ तो ख्याल कर!

सारी बात सुन कर पायल वापस आ गयी..अपनी नन्ही परी को देखकर एक बार फिर कोशिश की..लगा मामी सही कह रही है, मुझे किसी को कुछ नही बताना चाहिए..पर रोज़-रोज़ होती शारीरिक और मानसिक प्रताड़ना से एक दिन पायल हार गयी..आज सासू जी ने पूरे शरीर पर बेल्ट से घाव कर दिए थे..कोई नही था, जिससे अपने मन की बात कह पाती..मामी की बाते कानो मे गूँज रही थी..किसी की मदद की चाह को मामी के शब्दो ने पूरी तरह रौंद दिया था..कुछ देर परी को देखती रही, सोचा ये मेरे बिना कैसे जी पाएगी...पर आज बचपन से सहा दर्द सारी हदें पर कर गया...दुपट्टे का फंडा बनाकर वो दुनिया को अलविदा कह गयी...और फिर एक मासूम लड़की परिवारिक हिंसा की बलि चढ़ गयी!

"ये कहानी एक वास्तविक घटना से प्रेरित होकर लिखी गयी है...कहने को हम २१ सेंचुरी मे जी रहे है और हर दिन स्त्री शिक्षा और समानता की बात करते है, पर आज भी दहेज, सत्री भ्रूण हत्या और इस तरह ही घरेलू हिंसा, परिवारिक दबाव के चलते हज़ारो लड़किया असमय ही मौत को गले लगा लेती है, निश्चित ही अत्यंत दुखद पर कटु स्तय है, ये हमारे तथाकथित आधुनिक समाज़ का...

What are your thoughts? Did you had observed any cases of domestic violence in our society? Please share!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

"Nasreen-An Inspiring Story"- Incredible Life Lessons in Less than 5 Minutes

It was a routine weekend, and I was feeling more tired and exhausted because of hectic life routine and never-ending responsibilities. While seeping my cup of tea, I was making as the usual conversation with my selves “Oh! It’s Saturday, but it’s not my holiday”. I have to do all routine household chores again. And with this, though, a chain of thoughts has started again,
  • ·         I am feeling so exhausted
  • ·         I did not get enough time for my selves
  • ·         Sometimes I feel really bored with monotonous routine and I want a change in my life
  • ·         I am feeling so pressurised with this endless responsibilities and I am missing mom-dad and old days too much.

As I was busy with my selves doing this typical conversation and picked my phone for routine surfing. And this youtube video has drawn my attention immediately. The video is from popular TV series “Rodies”, is a story of acid attack survivor “Nasreen”.

The video has a story of a Girl Nasreen, who is not only an acid attack survivor but has a long story of family, relationship struggle as well. As she started her conversation by saying “I will be happy always”, we did not get an idea about the things which she narrated subsequently. As she said, she does not have her own mom-dad, and her stepmom had never given her true love of mom, and then after getting married her husband had always fought with her and done an acid attack on her. Even after an attack, she has not gotten a family support. She has to stay at “Khandar” for self-survival. The acid attack causes lots of severe infection in her body. And she has done her treatment even operations by her own. She has 2 daughters and still, she is struggling with their custody.

At the end, she says “itna hone ke baad bhi, mai kabhi dari nahi, abhi bhi mujh me himmat baaki hai”. As I had watched this less than 5-minute video, I get tears in my eyes involuntarily. And very soon, I had rememorized the complaints which I was making. I had thought in a moment, “With the grace of god, I have loving, caring family. My mom-dad, brother, husband all love me so much. I have two absolutely adorable daughters…house…All Morden eminites...Holidays…I am physically fit, good qualified, have very good friends, visited numerous beautiful places, have various personal and professional achievements…and still, I am complaining that “Oh! I am feeling board…blah blah blah...”

After watching this video, I was feeling so small and insignificant. I was feeling ashamed and embarrassed with a sense of guilt that has touched to the deep soul. I think it’s not only me but lots of people who most of the time makes complain about their life, in spite of getting blessed with multiple things. This woman has not only make me cry but has taught me few incredible life lessons in less than 5 minutes.

Most of the time when we get stuck with any problem (whether it is the change of location or poor grades of our kids) we lost our courage so easily. We tend to make the usual list of complaints. But this video has taught me, that what could be the level of problems? And still which kind of courage she has shown? Indeed, “Be courageous” in whatever the situation, is the first life lesson that I had learnt from her.

Of course, we all know “Being positive and optimistic” is the key to living a happy and successful life. But how many of us really followed this mantra. Most of us had a tendency to see the half empty side of the glass (even on very small matters), but this woman has taught the true meaning of “Positivity”. As she says “I will always be happy” with a bright smile and happy face, this gesture inspires us instantly. If someone who had tolerated so much negativity in her life, but still showing a positivity and optimism, then why cannot we follow the same thing?

The third and most important thing that she had taught me the “Gratitude” towards life. I believed “Gratitude” is one of the most important gesture that most of us missing in our life. We had beautiful blessings of god in our life but we often forget them. We tend to make numerous complaints in spite of having a blessed life. But this girl has rememorized the important of having this gesture in our life. She has tolerated lots of suffering in her life, physically, mentally as well as emotionally. But still, she has a sense of gratitude towards life. Her personality has a glory of this gesture.

Last but not the least her “Never give up” attitude was the most remarkable thing that has to make me inspired and motivated. I know as a mom, as a wife and as an individual we all had some bad days. Sometimes, we just feel unlucky and had a low self-esteem. So, I had gotten my inspiration and motivation through this way. I salute her spirit of bravery and fight. She has made my day with positivity and optimism. I had learnt some incredible life lessons from her in less than 5 minutes. What are your thoughts? Are you getting the same feeling as I get? Please share!